Thursday, July 28, 2011

Art of Modern Earth - How Crop Circle Created - Step Two : Designing the Drawing - The Spiral

Fibbonacci Spiral

There many kind of spiral, such as archemedean spiral, bernoulli spiral, fibbonacci spiral etc. Drawing the spiral is a lot more difficult than circle drawing. Without special tools, theoretically only fibbonacci spiral can be created on the crop field such as in above picture.

To construct the fibbonacci spiral the step is as follows.
  • Draw two  squares on top of each other. 
  • At the corner of  one square, put the pivot position to draw a quarter circles inside the squares. Your work should look like this

  • Add a sequence of growing squares clockwise and then put the pivot position to draw a quarter circles inside this new squares.

  • Continue the the sequence to get following arc

  • Continue the the sequence, until it met the right size of your construction.

Now, let see how Archimedean spiral constructed. 

In constructing the Archimedean spiral, you should do like this:

  • Divide the circumference into a number of equal parts, drawing the radii and numbering the points. 
  • Divide the radius No. 1 into the same number of equal parts, numbering from the center.
  • With C as center draw concentric arcs intersecting the radii of corresponding numbers, 
  • Put marking at the intersection (the red dot)
  • Draw a smooth curve connecting these marking

Archemedean Spiral

From the above picture, you can see that almost impossible to have a smooth curve of Archimedean spiral without using a special tools. 

The Archimedean Spiral construction which can be classified as a perfect onside design appeared on several times and places  as follow:

  • On June 23rd, 2002 in a barley field at West Overton, Wiltshire in southern England measured 160' in diameter.
  • The crop circle of May 30th, 2004 at Ridgeway, in the UK
  • dual spiral at Fort Nelson in the UK on June 11, 2004
  • the spiral in Germany on the 12th July 09 Crop Circle.

Now how about the other spiral ??. I think we now really understand that to construct spiral such as bernoulli spiral or logarithmic spiral is much more complicated than those 2 spiral mention above.

Now let see, are those two kind of spiral above suit the most renowned crop circle The Julia Set Crop Circle which appear On July 7th, 1996, near the stonehenge??

Julia Set CC compared to several spiral lines

You can see the above CC was created using spiral as the line of axis for all the main circle. I superimposed the CC with 4 spiral line of 3 types:
1. Fibbonacci Spiral for red and blue spiral
2. Archimedean Spiral for green Spiral
3. unknown type (Using spiral tools) for the black spiral

From the above picture, we can see that NONE of those spiral fit the spiral type of the Julia Set CC. So how do you think the artist created such spiral in a huge size like that??

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